Traefik Proxy Integrates with Hashicorp Nomad | Traefik Labs

I have tried following the tutorial with the following "modifications" to get it to work in a minimal dev setup:

  • used nomad v1.3.5
  • start nomad agent with: sudo nomad agent -dev -bind -log-level INFO
  • set treafik image to: traefik:2.8 (also tried traefik:2.9)
  • tried various versions of the line: "--providers.nomad.endpoint.address=" , including commenting it out, setting it to the default value=1127.0.0.1:46461

When running through the tutorial traefik does not manage to connect to the nomad service discovery, nomad alloc logs f671f.... gives:

time="2022-09-22T15:46:27Z" level=error msg="Provider connection error failed to load initial nomad services: Get "\": dial tcp connect: connection refused, retrying in 15.401737866s" providerName=nomad

So traefik never manages to detect the whoami-demo service. Any ideas of what the issue can be? / what I should set providers.nomad.endpoint.address for local development?

It seems related to

(I asked the same question here: Traefik unable to connect to Nomad Service Provider - #7 by joh4n)