Traefik as outgoing http->https gateway


Is it possible to use Traefik as an outgoing gateway?

The application I am using (no access to sourcecode) is connecting to REST API with PUT method, but the application does not work with HTTPS and the REST API only works with HTTPS.

Can I install traefik on my side and somehow route the massages through it (my app points to traefik endpoint, traefik then passes the message to the target API with HTTPS?)

I am sory if it is a trivial question, but it is all far outside of my knownledge zone.

If possible, please point me to some docu section for starting point.

Sure, you can specify external targets with a dynamic config file, which you load with providers.file in static config. You can use http or https to proxy/forward requests.

Compare to simple Traefik external example. The example uses Docker Swarm, remove deploy section and move labels one level up.