I was happy to see Consul KV coming back to Traefik 2.2 so i'm currently testing it on Docker Swarm with Consul KV to store configuration however it keeps complaining about the fact there is no config in Consul KV (which is expected as I didn't manually inject anything in the KV). In 1.7 we had the "storeconfig" argument to init the Consul KV store but it doesn't seem to exist anymore. Is there a replacement for it ?
In my case all of the dynamic configuration is provided by Swarm using labels and I want to use Consul to store the letsencrypt certs. What's the procedure to do so with Traefik 2.2 ?
time="2020-03-27T14:50:12Z" level=error msg="KV connection error: Key not found in store, retrying in 7.657155281s" providerName=consul,
time="2020-03-27T14:50:06Z" level=error msg="KV connection error: Key not found in store, retrying in 5.074184951s" providerName=consul,
time="2020-03-27T14:50:03Z" level=error msg="KV connection error: Key not found in store, retrying in 3.600324409s" providerName=consul
Here's a shortened version of my swarm stack for Traefik:
image: traefik:v2.2.0
- --api.dashboard=true
- --log.level=INFO
- --entrypoints.web.address=:80
- --entrypoints.websecure.address=:443
- --providers.docker=true
- --providers.docker.swarmMode=true
- --providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false
- --certificatesResolvers.letsencryptresolver.acme.email=contact@company.com
- --certificatesResolvers.letsencryptresolver.acme.storage=traefik/acme/account
- --certificatesResolvers.letsencryptresolver.acme.httpChallenge.entryPoint=web
- --providers.consul=true
- --providers.consul.endpoints=consul_consul-agent:8500
- 80:80
- 443:443
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock