Traefik 2.2.1 Cert and WEB GUI problems

Hello. I have two VM with Ubuntu Server 20.04. On VM1 I can access to WEB Gui but don't get test cert via cloudflare.

docker logs -tf --tail="50" traefik shows

2020-07-10T13:16:29.429565354Z time="2020-07-10T13:16:29Z" level=debug msg="Serving default certificate for request: """
2020-07-10T13:16:29.809611486Z time="2020-07-10T13:16:29Z" level=debug msg="http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate"

And don't get any data in acme.json

On VM2 I can't access WEB Gui. But my acme.json look like i got cert.

And docker logs -tf --tail="50" traefik shows
2020-07-10T13:22:27.551438556Z time="2020-07-10T13:22:27Z" level=debug msg="Looking for provided certificate(s) to validate ["" ""]..." providerName=dns-cloudflare.acme
2020-07-10T13:22:27.551728854Z time="2020-07-10T13:22:27Z" level=debug msg="No ACME certificate generation required for domains ["" ""]." providerName=dns-cloudflare.acme

I think thats on VM2 i have problem on port 80?

But what on the VM1 where WEB GUI is accessable, but do not get certs?

I think thats on VM2 i have problem on port 80?

Not sure. Port 80 is not mentioned anywhere else in your post.

But what on the VM1 where WEB GUI is accessable, but do not get certs?

Yes, it looks like that's what happening.

Ok Thanx!)
But what does it mean - remote error: tls: bad certificate ??

remote error, means that the error comes from the client. bad certificate means that the tls handshake was unsuccessful due to some kind of certificate problem. The error message does not give exact details which. Most often it would be untrusted cert, expired cert, or host header not matching the cert subject.