Hi all,
I have a bit an unusual request. From my browser I call a service with HTTPS. Traefik (used as Ingress into my Kubernetes) terminates the TLS. So my user will see a valid Let's Encrypt certificate.
Now my tricky part: Forwarding the request to my service needs to be done through HTTPS. At service side there is a second self signed certificate, which I want to hide from the end user. Of course, the self signed certificate can not be verified.
My definition looks like follows:
apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRoute
name: ingressroute-service
namespace: default
- websecure
- match: Host(`myhost.com`)
kind: Rule
- name: service
port: 8080
certResolver: myresolver
This works. What do I have to do to switch to service with HTTPS and an unsigned certificate?
Is there a middleware configuration within Traefik that I can achieve such? Thanks for any advise.