Teleport rejects traffic as X-Forwarded-For conttains multiple IPs

Hi there,

I am having two issues with running Teleport behind Traefik Proxy ( We are proxying traffic through Cloudflare and therefore the X-Forwarded-For header contains multiple ip addresses once it hits the Teleport server. Teleport rejects this as a security measure and expects only one IP address in this Header. Is there a way to do this? My traefik.yml file contains the following for the entrypoints:

    - "cloudflare_ips"
    - "cloudflare_ips"

In Teleport i have to set X-Forwarded-For to true however when doing this i get the error and cant use teleport but when disabled its using the cloudflare ips (not the actual client ip).

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

It’s common practice to chain IPs in the header when multiple proxys are used on the way, even Wikipedia says so.

I would open a ticket with Teleport, tell them to please follow the Internet standard.