I have been trying to get a one of my services connected that uses a port other than 80 or 443. Im using a K/V store (Redis) for managing all my config.
I've seen docs and samples for setting this as a label
As well as docs for setting it in yml. But not for a K/V.
This is my config right now, which would work perfectly if the container used port 80. But in this case its HTTP interface is on port 8083. How can I update this config to route to that specific port.
traefik/http/routers/listcon/entrypoints/0 websecure
traefik/http/routers/listcon/rule Host(`list.example.net`)
traefik/http/routers/listcon/tls/certresolver myresolver
traefik/http/routers/listcon/tls true
traefik/http/routers/listcon/service listcon@docker