i read that health checks are not available on KubernetesIngress and that LivenessProbe should be used, however i had the following issue and now have some doubts using LivenessProbe.
Node C on the cluster crashd, restarted and came up almost properly. Pods, Service and CLuster communication worked again but due to networking configuration issues the Pods from Node C were not reachable by other nodes. And so also traefik from Node A was not able to reach Node C but Pods on Node C reported everything is ok because local liveness probe was OK and therefore no alerts has been generated.
After i read the documentation and i figured out that traefik_service_server_up is something i am not able to use I decided to change the LivenessProbe to test the external traefik endpoint.
Now i worry that if for some reason the external Probe was not successfull but the Pod is perfectly fine actually and the failure is somewhere else then recycling the pods is a waste of resources? Imagine recycling huge amount of pods only because dns, loadbalancer or tls is not working properly.