Route to ip within the network, outside of kubernetes

hi, I'm hosting some private stuff on my local Kubernetes cluster that I want available externally, I also have a home assistant setup that's running on a dedicated machine that I want externally available.

All is working however from what I can tell my unify router I can only route all external trafic to a single internal url (so not based on domain).

So I was thinking what if I let it all go to the Traefik and create an ingress route that points to the home assistant ip (, that way I can tell unifi to send all traffic to traeffik. But how would I setup the ip forward, I can't seem to figure that out. some posts online refer to a File provider, but I can't find any working examples :confused:

Could someone here help me?

I can just talk about Traefik with Docker. You can set a target service to a fixed external IP (doc), not using any automatic configuration discovery.