Redirect to external URL, field not found, servers

Hello everyone, I am trying to have a redirect for google's tag manager first party setup, and I have this in my file provider

But I keep getting this error

{"level":"error","providerName":"swarm","container":"marketing-fps-forward-gxyn58z0g12pkfo6jrh0pkb14","error":"field not found, node: servers","time":"2025-01-11T20:50:43Z","caller":""}

file provider

      rule: "Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/whatever`)"
      priority: 100
        certResolver: letsencrypt
        - websecure
        - fps-forward-redirect
      service: fps-forward-dummy

    # A "dummy" service so that our router can reference *some* service;
          - url: ""

        # Regex captures the entire path (/whatever...) after the domain
        regex: "^https?://*)"
        # Replacement sends everything to, preserving subpaths & query
        replacement: "$1"
        permanent: true

This option is listed in the docs, what I am I missing?

Running traefik:v3.2.2

Trying to achieve the steps specified here Set up First-party mode  |  Google Tag Manager - First-party mode  |  Google for Developers

Edit: Moved to another solution not using the servers field, but I would still like to know what was happening so I can not make the same mistake in the future

The error comes from providers.swarm, so it’s probably about labels, not about the dynamic config file you shared.

Using a redirect seems very wrong when using Google first party stuff. It will tell the client to go fetch a Google page, which you probably want to avoid with the setup in the first place.

Chatbot answers can be very wrong sometimes.

This is in their guide

  1. Add an origin or backend that points to
  2. Override the Host header to be equal to Allow all cookies and query strings to be forwarded.
  3. Add a path rule for /metrics/* to route traffic to First-party mode.
  4. Configure the reserved path to have higher priority than the default rule.

Is there a more appropriate approach than a redirect? Maybe a dummy service that points to this URL? I did try that but it seems that swarm provider has issues with that, or I just misconfigured something

A redirect sends a redirect response to the client. Instead you should use regular Traefik proxy/forward via router and service with the target URL.

EDIT: the experimental version of traefik added the support for loadbalancer.server.url :smile:

It seems that docker swarm does not support the servers option?

I cannot really find anything about it in the docs

network_traefik.1.e6wjsmnf4hzl@manager-1    | {"level":"error","providerName":"swarm","container":"marketing-landing-yisytf7vr38x9nl07pgc5pvbu","error":"field not found, node: servers","time":"2025-01-13T06:56:55Z"}
network_traefik.1.e6wjsmnf4hzl@manager-1    | {"level":"error","providerName":"swarm","container":"marketing-landing-yisytf7vr38x9nl07pgc5pvbu","error":"field not found, node: servers","time":"2025-01-13T06:57:10Z"}
network_traefik.1.e6wjsmnf4hzl@manager-1    | {"level":"error","providerName":"swarm","container":"marketing-landing-yisytf7vr38x9nl07pgc5pvbu","error":"field not found, node: servers","time":"2025-01-13T06:57:25Z"}
network_traefik.1.e6wjsmnf4hzl@manager-1    | {"level":"error","providerName":"swarm","container":"marketing-landing-yisytf7vr38x9nl07pgc5pvbu","error":"field not found, node: servers","time":"2025-01-13T06:57:40Z"}
network_traefik.1.e6wjsmnf4hzl@manager-1    | {"level":"error","providerName":"swarm","container":"marketing-landing-yisytf7vr38x9nl07pgc5pvbu","error":"field not found, node: servers","time":"2025-01-13T06:57:55Z"}
        - "traefik.http.routers.fps-forward-router.rule=Host(`$VIRTUAL_HOST`) && PathPrefix(`/matrix`)"
        - "traefik.http.routers.fps-forward-router.priority=100"
        - "traefik.http.routers.fps-forward-router.entryPoints=websecure"
        - "traefik.http.routers.fps-forward-router.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt"

        - "traefik.http.routers.fps-forward-router.service=fps-forward-service"

        - "traefik.http.routers.fps-forward-router.middlewares=fps-forward-header"

        - "traefik.http.middlewares.fps-forward-header.headers.customrequestheaders.Host=$"

        - "$"
        - ""
        - ""

The current doc (at this point v3.3) does not enable url on labels, only in file:

          - url: "http://private-ip-server-1/"

Also experimental doc does not include it in labels.

Also docker reference experimental does not include it:

  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""

But in master branch providers.docker there is such a label (code):

"": ""

And the issue has been closed now. Latest release v3.3.1 is older than the pull request, so we hopefully get it in the next release :clap:

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