Hello all,
i'm struggling to find an answer for this.
I am using traefik on docker swarm as proxy for my rabbitmq cluster which runs on the same cluster.
In rabbitmq -> connections i can see the connected clients but all of them have the docker swarm master node IP address, is it possible to see the client real IP instead ?
As per documentation passHostHeader is by default true.
It seems that rabbitmq has an option to enable proxy to be used with haproxy in front or nginx
But when i do that i see the error in logs, and no client is able to connect:
"The PROXY protocol header signature was not recognized"
So i'm thinking that traefik does not add the proxy headers on TCP services ?
Yeah, Traefik would terminate the proxy protocol and just do "normal" requests. However, you should see the client ip in the headers then. That's why I ask, what Header / field the UI is checking for?