Proxy outside of Kubernetes / Chaining Instances?

I've been getting into Traefik Kubernetes due to its UDP capabilities.
I run Kubernetes myself. Binding a public IPv4 to the Traefik Instance with Automatic Failover seems to be complicated.
I tried using MetalLB, but it didn't work with my public IPs (because the K8s Nodes have private IPs) . Then I tried using a standalone Instance of Traefik using the Kubernetes Ingress Provider, but joining the Kubernetes Flannel Overlay Network with the Proxy Host was also a challenge and seemed to hacky for me.

My current Idea is to Chain Two Traefik Instances:

  1. I would have a DaemonSet of Ingress Controller on Kubernetes with NodePort Services.
  2. Two standalone Traefik Instances that are bound together using Keepalived would be in front of that and bind all the Public IPs.

I could use TCP Load Balancing to route all incoming Requests on 443 and 80 to the ingress controller, but I also want to be able to add a few Hosts (that are not running on Kubernetes) with a file provider.
So my Idea:
I use the HTTP Provider with a self-written adapter to fetch the Configuration of the Ingress Controller via the API and automatically generate a config for the standalone Traefik instances. TLS Termination would then not be handled by the ingress provider, but by the standalone instances.

This way I would be able to use the Features of Kubernetes Ingress and don't have to request all SSL Certificates myself on the Standalone Instances.

I currently see this as the best option for me. Do you know a better way to avoid chaining?
Is there a better way, apart from configuring the Ingress Controller for the services outside of the Cluster?

connects a user outside of the cluster to cluster IPs which otherwise might not be reachable; runs in the EPiServer processes; client to proxy

connects a user outside of the cluster to cluster IPs which otherwise might not be reachable; runs in the EPiServer processes; client to proxy