I run a service behind Traefik that needs credentials (provided by the client) in the Proxy-Authorization header, which is not passed on to the service (appears to be removed by Traefik).
Is there a way to configure Traefik to pass this client header through to the service?
I'm not very familiar with Traefik and/or Go, but I think it should be possible to add a configuration option to Traefik to pass-through the Proxy-Authorization header after switching to the Rewrite function. As an alternative (as this is quite the security-breaking feature/proposal, overriding the hop-by-hop header concept) maybe this can be implemented via a (Traefik) middleware (this would still require a switch to the Rewrite function).
@tomhe_arr since it's been 2 years: Did you solve this with some workaround or similar?
... I'm unsure if I should open an issue on the GitHub for this feature propsal ...
If you want this functionality and it’s a feature, not a bug, then you probably need to open a feature request, to see if this is something they would be even willing to include.
Alternatively you may be able to copy the header to a different name (and later back if required) with a plugin like this.