Problem with Modsecurity Plugin

I am on traefik 2.11.3.
I am following the instruction here to add this middleware to my stack.

The latest owasp/modsecurity-crs:apache is having issues, so I use this version:


I can verify modsecurity is running by log into the modesecurity container and do a curl command. For example

curl http://localhost

will return 200


curl http://localhost?a=../asdf

returns 403.

However, it is not working from traefik container. I ssh into traefik container, there is something strange:

  1. curl http://waf command does not seem to generate any log in modsecurity container.
  2. curl will generate log in modsecurity container (waf's ip is
  3. curl still returns 200. In the modsecurity log, sees all url params are gone.

Any ideas?

How do you curl in Traefik container? I always thought curl is not included in the image.

sorry my mistake i think I used wget.

Anyway, local version of this does not work (tried production and local both not working)

But this works (only fixed to owasp/modsecurity-crs:4.3.0-apache-alpine-202406090906). It does not work if I use any of the latest versions.

It’s two user-generated plug-ins. It’s probably best you create an issue on their Github.

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