No "404" on https port when using http

I have a configuration (included below) which redirects from http to https. unfortunately when i connect the httpS port using http, i get a "404" in return. other web servers tell me "you used http on a https port", which is far more helpful.

would that be possible?

minimal configuration here:

# dynamic config
    entryPoints = ["websecure"]
    service = "backend"
    rule = "PathPrefix(`/`)"


      url = "http://localhost:18080"

  certFile = "./cert.pem"
  keyFile  = "./cert.key"

and here:

# static config
  address = ":8080"

    to = "websecure"
    scheme = "https"

  address = ":8443"

    filename = "traefik-dynamic.toml"