New domain and cloudflare gives it 522 - All other domains work

I just tried setting up a new site using a config template that is working for other domains. after putting the information in I see it gets an SSL cert but when I try to go to the URL I get a connection timeout 522 from cloudflare. I thought it was my tunnel but that appears to be working (if I type it in while connected to my tailscale it pulls up correctly), I verified my other services that are accessible through tailscale still work, so it isn't tailscale. Looking at the logs, it looks like Traefik isn't even getting the request as I never see a request for the router. I confirmed though that the A record is correct and removed the DNS proxy that cloudflare has for it and ran a traceroute which hit the correct server. So I am at a loss.

          - url: http://[tailscale]:2368

        - "websecure"
      rule: "Host(``)"
        certResolver: production
          - main: ""
        options: "modern"
      service: "ghost-ser"

For anyone else running into this. I needed to enable full SSL encryption from cloudflare to traefik to got t it working. My other domains already had that confused but this was a new domain. How it helps someone else out later down the road.

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