So I've seen that GoLang doesn't support negative lookahead, which is a shame, as I was hoping for a rule to "catch" anything not defined as router.
i.e. I have defined "hosta.mydomain" and "hostb.mydomain" but not "hostc.mydomain"
Once I open up traefik to the internet, and forward relevant IP traffic to my traefik host IP, anything hitting the raw IP on port 443 (websecure entrypoint) is answered by traefik - which is fine, but it responds to things which are not defined - i.e. if someone accesses the IP direct, OR points a CNAME to it, traefik will answer it, and return a 404, which will invite probing
Whilst I'm wiring in fail2ban to stop people repeatedly hitting it, I wanted to try something like:
...but golang argues about the ?! in the regex
I was trying Priority to see if I could traefik to answer a "matchall" subdomain rule AFTER all other routers
Seeing as golang doesn't support the negative lookup, could it be possible to have a "HostNegRegexp" - so the regexp matches but then Traefik forces a non-match?
Or is there an easier way to have traefik "ignore/reject" http traffic for anything not defined in a router on the entrypoint?
# Specify either:
# An invalid internal URL (visitor will get a Gateway error)
# A valid internal host, with it's own block policy
# A valid URL, if you are using external blocking
# Example here will use OMV, but be blocked externally
# as the nohost router uses the blockexternal middleware
url = "http://validinternalurl:port"
"nohost" is also used by a router which is valid externally (valid dns CNAME) but uses a separate middleware to block external IPs.
Thus if I hit the external name internally (pihole DHCP provides internal IP) I get my host. If I hit it from outside, I get Unauthorized. Fail2Ban then blocks the IP if it sees 10 x 401 unauthorized.
Any valid subdomain/router is forwarded as expected, and any invalid subdomain hitting the host, hits the rule you suggested
I've not checked what code happens if I strictSNI all the routers though, as so far this seems to work.