Multple Services (Ports) Same Host?

I am hoping to get some help here with configuring access with a external (non-docker) service with Traefik. Specifically my issue is I have a octoprint server on Ubuntu. I have created a toml file for the HTTP router and HTTP service and access to the Octoprint web interface works like all my other HTTP router and services configured with Traefik. I created the HTTP service to route to port 5000.

Where I need help is the webcam stream. Currently I can direct access the webcam stream at http://192.168.x.10:8002/?action=stream. If I access http://192.168.x.10:8002/ I get the uStreamer web help page. I have tried to make an additional HTTP route and service and a TCP route and service and could not get it to work either way. When using it would redirect to the web UI on port 5000 rule.

I'm not sure what the best way to do this is. I tried to capture with a pathprefix /?action=stream but couldn't really get that to work. I thought about it more and wonder should i try something like a multi-level subdomain of pointing to http://192.168.x.10:8002 with a addprefix of /?action=stream? However my understanding with this is that currently traefik is only generating certs for * To use I would need a separate wildcard cert of * which I'm not exactly sure how to generate multi-level subdomain wildcard certs with Cloudflare.

I think this specific service needs to be set as a TCP router/service but I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is. Either trying to redirect just the /?action=stream URL to the correct port or utilize a multi-subdomain URL. I've spent quite a while looking through documentation and can't seem to find examples of how to configure this or what I'm doing wrong.

Here is my Octoprint file with the HTTP route/service and the most recent attempt at getting the webcam stream to work.

      entryPoints = ["https"]
      rule = "Host(``)"
      service = "octoprint1-svc"
      middlewares = ["octoprint-ipwhitelist", "middlewares-basic-auth@file"]
        certresolver = "dns-cloudflare"

    sourceRange = ["192.168.x.7", "192.168.x.10"]

      passHostHeader = true
        url = "http://192.168.x.10:5000"

      entryPoints = ["https"]
      rule = "HostSNI(``)"
      service = "octoprint1cam-svc"
        passthrough = true

      address = "192.168.x.10:8002"

If it uses http you can use a http router.

If you declare a fixed (sub-)domain in Host() (even multi-level), you don’t need a wildcard cert when using LE. You just need to create the DNS entry to point to Traefik.

It is usually best practice to use sub-domains for services, because the web-app might send redirects and links with full paths in the response, those don’t work when manipulating paths with StripPrefix.

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Thanks for the help. I was finally able to get it working.

The one thing that I noticed though was that I already have a DNS entry for that is working. I may have been confused by your comment but I also added as a DNS entry pointing to Traefik (not sure if I was suppose to for the multi-level subdomain). With the cam DNS entry I was able to access but it said it was the self signed Traefik cert not my LE cert. I removed that entry for cam from DNS so I only have one for and then worked as expected with my LE cert.

In the Octoprint app plugin Dashboard I had to enable the function "Disable nonce for Octoprint webcam" under the Webcam widget in Dashboard.

I was then able to get to work as the URL in the Webcam & Timelapse Stream URL in Octoprint. I do not get errors of mixed (secure and unsecure) content anymore.

      entryPoints = ["https"]
      rule = "Host(``)"
      service = "octoprint1cam-svc"
      middlewares = ["octoprint-ipwhitelist"]
        certresolver = "dns-cloudflare"
      entryPoints = ["https"]
      rule = "Host(``)"
      service = "octoprint1-svc"
      middlewares = ["octoprint-ipwhitelist", "middlewares-basic-auth@file"]
        certresolver = "dns-cloudflare"

    sourceRange = ["192.168.y.7", "192.168.y.10"]

      passHostHeader = true
        url = "http://192.168.x.10:8002"
      passHostHeader = true
        url = "http://192.168.x.10:5000"

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