I am running multiple traefik instances, they all use lets encrypt and cloudflare DNS, and they all create certificates for the same domain.
The first instance works fine, subsequent instances fail with a variety of errors, most notable the record already exists.
time="2020-07-03T11:43:34-07:00" level=error msg="Unable to obtain ACME certificate for domains \"insanegenius.net,*.insanegenius.net\" : unable to generate a certificate for the domains [insanegenius.net *.insanegenius.net]: error: one or more domains had a problem:\n[*.insanegenius.net] [*.insanegenius.net] acme: error presenting token: cloudflare: failed to create TXT record: error from makeRequest: HTTP status 400: content \"{\\\"result\\\":null,\\\"success\\\":false,\\\"errors\\\":[{\\\"code\\\":81057,\\\"message\\\":\\\"The record already exists.\\\"}],\\\"messages\\\":[]}\"\n[insanegenius.net] [insanegenius.net] acme: error presenting token: cloudflare: failed to create TXT record: error from makeRequest: HTTP status 400: content \"{\\\"result\\\":null,\\\"success\\\":false,\\\"errors\\\":[{\\\"code\\\":81057,\\\"message\\\":\\\"The record already exists.\\\"}],\\\"messages\\\":[]}\"\n" providerName=dns-cloudflare.acme,
How can I configure letsencrypt such that multiple traefik instances using multiple acme.json files will successfully create SSL certs for the same domain?