Multiple nginx Container - Traefik switch between them

I have a docker Container for Traefik with network traefik, and three Containers in different Networks with use Traefik.

Nginx does not have a specific server_name (server_name _;), as I thought traefik redirects the data correctly according to the service name. Each nginx has its own network because there are several related containers (PHP, DB,...) in separate docker-compose.yml files.
I have defined specific name for each nginx, but traefik switch between them. I call domain1.test, and sometimes i get the content of domain2 or domain3.

What have I forgotten to configure to make it work?

Shorted docker compose:

    image: traefik:3.0
    container_name: traefi
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
    container_name: nginx-container1
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.container1.rule=Host(`container1.test`) || Host(`www.container1.test`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.container1.entrypoints=webSecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.container1.tls=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.container1.service=container1"
      - ""
      - ""
      - traefik
      - container1
    container_name: nginx-container2
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.container2.rule=Host(`container2.test`) || Host(`www.container2.test`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.container2.entrypoints=webSecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.container2.tls=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.container2.service=container2"
      - ""
      - ""
      - traefik
      - container2

Usually Traefik is pretty strict about the rules and Host() matching, we have never seen any issues, so it’s probably about your config.

Every service has their own name in labels, that looks good.

You declare, that’s great, too.

But it seems Traefik uses a different network than the target services.

You could centralize some settings in static config, reduce labels, compare to simple Traefik example.

Enable Traefik access log in JSON format to see more info about each request.

Maybe the mismatch happens within nginx.

I think so :smiley:

Correct. I use a Project with only contains Traefik, dnsmasq and step-ca for a main construct of development environment (or later productive without dnsmasq and step-ca).
Is this generally a problem if Traefik has a separate network?

Good Idea. Thank you. But I don't see any issues


Is it generally advisable to adapt the server_name to the host, or should this not be a problem for Traefik?

Edit: I think I found the problem, but I don't understand it at the moment.
Both php container called php and are in different networks. But also in the traefik network becase I need the dns. Both PHP response when i call the url. I use fast cgi with php:9000.
I think since both PHP containers are also on the Traefik network, both are responding because of the same name. I'll have to see if I can customize the names.
Or do you know a better solution?

One time the name is net_traefik and one time it’s traefik.

You should not need traefik Docker network for DNS.

Usually you would use the service name from compose to connect to other containers.

Maybe simplify your setup by using a php image with Apache included, then you don’t need 1-to-1 nginx and php for every target service.


This image contains Debian's Apache httpd in conjunction with PHP (as mod_php) and uses mpm_prefork by default.

Zhis was an issue from shortening sorry :slight_smile:

The traefik Container has a additional dnsmasq Container to resolve test domain to traefik

I will check. Thank you