mTLS RequireAndVerify and iOS

Hey folks,

I've been trying to debug getting mTLS working with an iOS client, but haven't found any luck.

I've succesfully generated certs and they work on macOS (Safari, and Firefox) as well as curl, but when I try to connect via Safari on iOS my traefik logs are flooded with repeated http: TLS handshake error from <ip>: tls: client didn't provide errors.

My configuration is as follows:

      # in PEM format. each file can contain multiple CAs.
      caFiles = ["/client_ca.crt"]
      clientAuthType = "RequireAndVerifyClientCert"

And the service hosting has the following label: traefik.http.routers.traefikDash.tls.options=client@file.

Has anyone seen this or gotten it to work?

I opened a feature request for this on GitHub. For anyone reading this and is interested in this feature please go like and comment on the feature request so it gains traction.