MTLS on specific paths and/or HostRegexp

Is it possible to add mTLS on a specific rule containing HostRegexp and PathXXX. It seems to want a Host rule, and that adds it to the whole endpoint, which is not what I expected. Took a while before I found this in the documentation: "The options field enables fine-grained control of the TLS parameters. It refers to a TLS Options and will be applied only if a Host rule is defined." Ref: This should be mentioned on the mTLS section. Ref: And also the tls seciotn should mention that you need HOST rule and that it is possible to define it with label e.g - "traefik.http.routers.whoami-clientcert.tls.options=mutual-auth-verify@file"

We are also facing this issue. It would be good if you can implement it.

Below is our use case issue:

Dynamic.toml tls options content


  minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
  cipherSuites= [
  minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
  cipherSuites= [
    clientAuthType = "RequestClientCert"

Ingress Annotations :- secure@file

Above annotation not honoring '[]' if i set it to secure tls option.

But if I set it to default then it is working because as per documentation if nothing matches it will go to default tls option bcz it works on Host rule.

However if i set it to Host Rule then it is working as expected.

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