Mapping two service to a single https endpoint

I have two services that I want map onto a single https endpoint - just on different routes.

/    -> web
/api -> nodejs

This is the config for traefik

args = [
  # api
  # consul
  # ports
  # redirects
  # certificats

and these are the services

service {
  name = "web"
  tags = [
    # "traefik.http.routers.web.rule=Host(``)",

service {
  name = "nodejs"
  tags = [
    # "traefik.http.routers.nodejs.rule=Host(``)",

The route matching is still missing but the bit that really trips me off is the TLS config.
IMO it should be on the websecure entrypoint - not on the individual routers.

How should this look like?

Turns out this does not seem to be required


and this mounts the endpoint

"traefik.http.routers.nodejs.rule=HostRegexp(`{host:.+}`) && PathPrefix(`/api`)"

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