Letsencypt as the traefik default certificate


I've got a traefik v2 instance running inside docker (using docker-compose). It is managing multiple certificates using the letsencrypt resolver. It terminates TLS connections and then routes to various containers based on Host rules. This all works fine.

Now I have one service for which clients won't send the SNI TLS header extension. So those clients are always served with the traefik default certificate.

In order to workaround this I have added one of those 'certificate dumper' dockers (humenius/traefik-certs-dumper) that extracts the correct certificate from acme.json and writes it to the traefik default certificate store.

While this is working fine, this really feels hacky. Is there a cleaner way to get traefik to use a letsencrypt certificate as its default one?

Thank you