I have my installation mostly working. I am using dnsChallenge with digitalocean dns. The certs are fetched and working. The issue is I think I am getting to many certs. I thought that when you use a wildcard cert.. you get two. .domain.com and *.domain.com. My setup seems to get a cert for each specified sub domain I configure with a dynamic config file. So here is my static:
checkNewVersion = true
sendAnonymousUsage = true
filepath = "/etc/traefik/traefik.log"
level = "WARN"
filePath = "/etc/traefik/access.log"
bufferingSize = 100
format = "json"
defaultMode = "drop"
"RequestHost" = "keep"
"RequestContentSize" = "keep"
"DownstreamContentSize" = "keep"
address = ":80"
address = ":443"
address = ":8080"
directory = "/etc/traefik/dynamic/"
watch = true
insecure = false
dashboard = true
debug = true
caServer = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
email = "admin@domain.com"
storage = "/etc/traefik/acme.json"
provider = "digitalocean"
delayBeforeCheck = 0
resolvers = ["", ""]
Here is the first subdomain "WWW"
entryPoints = ["web"]
rule = "Host(`www.domain.com`)"
middlewares = ["httpsredirect"]
service = "www"
entryPoints = ["websecure"]
rule = "Host(`www.domain.com`)"
service = "www"
certResolver = "myResolver"
passthrough = true
options = "mytlsoptions"
main = "domain.com"
sans = ["*.domain.com"]
scheme = "https"
port = "443"
permanent = true
minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
cipherSuites = [
url = ""
here is the second sub domain:
entryPoints = ["web"]
rule = "Host(`demo.domain.com`)"
middlewares = ["httpsredirect"]
service = "demo"
entryPoints = ["websecure"]
rule = "Host(`demo.domain.com`)"
service = "demo"
certResolver = "myResolver"
passthrough = true
options = "mytlsoptions"
main = "domain.com"
sans = ["*.domain.com"]
scheme = "https"
port = "443"
permanent = true
minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
cipherSuites = [
url = ""
Here is the acme.json. Yes I have removed the key data.
"myResolver": {
"Account": {
"Email": "admin@domain.com",
"Registration": {
"body": {
"status": "valid",
"contact": [
"uri": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/acct/81470129"
"PrivateKey": "MII==",
"KeyType": "4096"
"Certificates": [
"domain": {
"main": "www.domain.com"
"certificate": "LS0tL==",
"key": "LS0tLK",
"Store": "default"
"domain": {
"main": "demo.domain.com"
"certificate": "LS0==",
"key": "LS0tLS10K",
"Store": "default"
"domain": {
"main": "domain.com",
"sans": [
"certificate": "LS0tL==",
"key": "LS0t",
"Store": "default"