I'm getting an error when trying to combine the options as such. Is this not an option or do I need just to duplicate the modern options within my defined sycthing-discosrv label so it more like this:
Thanks for reply -- I guess that clarifies some things. It would be nice to be able to combine some options to decrease verbosity however I'm not exactly sure how traefik is written and developed. I would be nice to pass an array or array of objects rather than just an object.
Dang -- I didn't even know about the anchor/merge feature of yaml. Do you know of a good yaml configuration check or a program that will take the yaml file and expand upon all the anchors and merges to check the configuration?
I'm wondering if I'm using the same yq executable as yours since:
yq -y . dynamic_conf.yaml
Error: unknown command "dynamic_conf.yaml" for "yq"
Run 'yq --help' for usage.
In fact I don't even see -y as a flag for yq.
$ yq -V
yq (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/) version 4.13.5
I clearly don't know how to use yq to expand merge statements but I did run across bosh Installing the CLI - Cloud Foundry BOSH (bosh interpolate) that will actually expand the merge statements for verification.