I've been experimenting a bit with TLSStore today and now I'd like to ask - do I understand correctly that Traefik keeps its own "internal" default TLSStore by itself, even if I don't explicitly define it?
I have my own local CA and a wildcard cert signed by it and was very confused today when I created a new IngressRoute with this definition:
apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRoute
name: restapi-ingress-test
namespace: jed-test
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik
- websecure
- kind: Rule
match: Host(`rest.jed.local`) && (Path(`/ping`) || PathPrefix(`/pong`))
- name: restapi
serversTransport: restapi-tls-test
port: 8443
scheme: https
name: sticky-test
secure: true
tls: {}
As you can see here, I have not referenced any secret for TLS and yet Traefik uses a wildcard certificate that I have defined in another namespace for use in another IngressRoute:
curl https://rest.jed.local/ping -v
* Connected to rest.jed.local ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN: server accepted h2
* Server certificate:
* subject: C=PL; ST=Lodz; L=Lodz; O=Jed; OU=Jed; CN=jed.local
* start date: Dec 4 18:10:17 2022 GMT
* expire date: Mar 8 18:10:17 2025 GMT
* subjectAltName: host "rest.jed.local" matched cert's "*.jed.local"
* issuer: C=PL; ST=Lodz; L=Lodz; O=Jed; CN=Jed
* SSL certificate verify ok.
I can also see in the logs that it does add it to a TLSStore, even though I have not defined it myself:
{"level":"debug","msg":"No store is defined to add the certificate MIIDgzCCAmugAwIBAgIUHGpdE9SJH/MSJBJPSJcakzAlKeAwDQ, it will be added to the default store.","time":"2023-02-14T19:11:08Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"Adding certificate for domain(s) *.jed.local,jed.local","time":"2023-02-14T19:11:08Z"}
I have not looked at the source code but am I correct in thinking that Traefik does keep a default TLSStore "internally"?
If so, what is the purpose of actually defining it (other than specifying a default certificate) if it collects the secrets by itself?