I wan to push an image to nexus registry behind traefik

Hello everyone, I have an image larger that 2GB and I want to push to nexus registry behind traefik.
unfortunately, I have an error after trying to push that like this:

WARN [qtp971664511-699] admin org.sonatype.nexus.repository.docker.internal.V2Handlers - Error: PATCH /v2/flutter/blobs/uploads/6e08d6c2-d8b4-4071-971b-1e9ea80b3073
org.sonatype.nexus.blobstore.api.BlobStoreException: BlobId: path$nexus-repository-docker/6e08d6c2-d8b4-4071-971b-1e9ea80b3073/449115ab-a281-4e0c-b534-c3936c938d0e, org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException: Early EOF, Cause: Early EOF

after a long time, surfing on google and read all of the blogs about this problem in traefik blogs, I didn't get a good result.
could you help me please???!!

Have you timed the process? Will it fail after 60 seconds? You might search for timeout on the forum.

yes, It takes about 60 seconds

814ec726860a: Pushing [==================================================>] 897.7MB/897.7MB
09412db8d556: Layer already exists
8be50fc99500: Layer already exists
5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists
ef780ad40e03: Pushing [==================================================>] 1.362GB/1.362GB
80098e3d304c: Layer already exists
unknown: Client Closed Request

and I have adjust this items :
- --entryPoints.web.transport.respondingTimeouts.readTimeout=3600
- --entryPoints.name.transport.respondingTimeouts.writeTimeout=3600
- --entryPoints.web.transport.respondingTimeouts.idleTimeout=3600

Are those commands on Traefik itself (i.e. static config) or the Nexus image?

Because, sadly, you cannot set up timeouts in Traefik on a per-service basis; it NEEDS to be done in the static configuration and as such will affect ALL services.

I've had the exact same use-case as you - Sonatype Nexus behind Traefik, and I was able to make it work by setting the timeouts for my HTTPS entrypoint in the static configuration file. Of course those only start to work once I restarted Traefik to reload the configuration.

Ultimately because of this "one-timeout-for-all" limitation I've decided not to use Traefik in this instance; it's not really safe in case something decides to DDoS your services...

There's some hope - it seems some people on GitHub are planning to work on this and (hopefully) fix this limitation.