HTTPS catch-all redirect exceptions


Is there a method/work around to be able to specify that a specific connection is allowed HTTP? I have a VM that requires isolation and I want to use LetsEncrypt certificates with that service only. I already have traefik serving many other services and I really don't want to have to label each and everyone of them with an HTTPS redirect, or simply now allow the HTTP connection.

Is there a way I can make an exception for a single service that will over-ride the catch all HTTPS redirect?

Hi @tomlawesome

The entrypoint redirect uses a very high priority. You can lower the entrypoint redirection priority and make your http routers priority higher than that.

You're looking at this static setting, cli shown:

--entrypoints.<name>.http.redirections.entrypoint.priority :
Priority of the generated router. (Default: 2147483646 )

And for the router, showing the docker label:

  - "traefik.http.routers.router0.priority=42"

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