Http to https redirection to a service with https

I am trying to setup Traefik as reverse proxy for an existing Apache server. This server is running on http: Port 50080 / https: Port 50443.

Traefik redirect example only uses a non TLS service. I.E.:

    rule = "Host(``)"
    service = "apache-service"
    entrypoints = ["web"]
    middlewares = ["redirect"]

    rule = "Host(``)"
    service = "apache-service"
    entrypoints = ["websecure"]

    url = ""

    scheme = "https"

This setup is running o.k. But If I try to substitute http by https

    url = ""

I get an error.

Whats wrong?

Hello @KBst,

When you say:

Can you elaborate? What kind of error? Where is it reported?

Sorry Daniel, of course this has been to short. Now this is was happens (all with Firefox 60.9.0esr)

from the traefik log

time="2019-10-23T20:51:46+02:00" level=debug msg="'500 Internal Server Error' caused by: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"

So first question seams: How can I tell Traefik to ignore service certificate errors? I already have set

insecureSkipVerify = true

Hello @KBst,

Can you please provide your traefik configuration?

October 23

Hello @KBst,

Can you please provide your traefik configuration?

[Bst] Hi Daniel I try to add the config to this mail. Hope this works.


(Attachment is missing)

o.k. .zip isn't allowed.


#Uncomment below if you selfsigned backends
insecureSkipVerify = true

  checkNewVersion = true
  sendAnonymousUsage = true

# Entrypoints configuration
    address = ":80"

    address = ":443"

    address = ":8080"

  level = "DEBUG"
  filePath = "/var/log/traefik/traefik.log"
 filePath = "/var/log/traefik/access.log"



# File configuration backend
#  directory = 
  filename = "./dynamic.toml"
  watch = true


    rule = "Host(``)"
    service = "apache-service"
    entrypoints = ["web"]
    middlewares = ["redirect"]

    rule = "Host(``)"
    service = "apache-service"
    entrypoints = ["websecure"]

    url = ""

    scheme = "https"

I just found this "insecureSkipVerify: true not being applied (v2)". Seems to be my problem, but I can't find the right solution for my case.

Instead of

insecureSkipVerify = true

I have to set

  insecureSkipVerify = true

Where to find this in the docs? ... not just mentioned but explained

Hi @KBst, not sure if it's something they added recently, but it is documented in the Routing overview:

Also, for v2 configurations, there can't be any keys at the "root level" of the toml, all of them must belong in what TOML calls "a table" (i.e. [something]).
