Http Remoting requests through Traefik is not load-balancing

We are currently using Traefik as an ingress controller for kubernetes (AWS EKS). We are running Wildfly 19 in multiple k8s PODs serving stateless EJBs through Wildfly's HTTP Remoting connector. We have set up a Traefik Service that proxies to one or more k8s pods (replicas). In addition we have added an IngressRoute that looks for the 'Upgrade: jboss-remoting' header and adds that to the request being forwarded to one of our kubernetes Wildlfy PODs. With this configuration we have been able to successfully lookup and invoke remote EJBs.

Request Flow:
Remote EJB requests are initiated from remote Java clients using the standard Wildfly client libraries connecting to our Wildfly servers through an AWS ALB configured with target groups consisting of our
EKS worker nodes. Sticky load balancing has been disabled at the ALB so all requests are load balanced across worker nodes.

We are experiencing that, when we make Remote EJB calls, all requests are being routed consistently to a single POD (the same POD each time) and are not being round-robin load-balanced across all available PODs.

Is there something we need to include, in addition to what we currently have configured, to enable the loadbalancing across ALL of the PODS behind our Service definition?


[This is a dump of our Service and IngressRoute YAML]

Name:              ctr-calc
Namespace:         ctr-dev
Labels:            <none>
Selector:          app=ctr-calc
Type:              ClusterIP
Port:              ctr-calc  443/TCP
TargetPort:        8443/TCP
Session Affinity:  None

API Version:
Kind:         IngressRoute
  Creation Timestamp:  2020-10-06T16:46:23Z
  Generation:          2
  Resource Version:    11441119
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 c6fafbbb-f0e7-4b52-ab18-75a6dba18b5d
  Entry Points:
    Kind:   Rule
    Match:  Host(``)
      Name:  ctr-calc
      Port:  443
    Kind:    Rule
    Match:   Host(``) && Headers("Upgrade", "jboss-remoting")
      Name:       wildfly-set-headers
      Namespace:  traefik
      Name:  ctr-calc
      Port:  443

Hi @jsmith828
I know this ia old, but if you can help here. We have the same setup as in this question. However, we are having issue in connecting Jboss ejb clients to jboss server via Traefik. I am not talking about LB issue but basic client to server connection via Traefik. Clients are using remote+http protocol and not able to connect to server. One difference that I see is without traefik, client get http response as 101 (upgrade), but with traefik response is 200
We tried adding middleware as same as yours - passing upgrade header to server but no success.
Can you please help and let us know what wrong we can be doing here?