How to do `healthcheck` on traefik itself?

In 1.7 I am able to do the following:

   test: wget -q --spider http://localhost:8080/ping

But in 2.0 I can't find the command to run.

I saw that before. when I run that command using docker exec [containerid] traefik healtcheck

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: "traefik": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

In addition it never returns healthy.

Neither does healthcheck alone

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: "healtcheck": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

Tthe command healtcheck is a standalone command:

docker run traefik:v2.0.0-rc2 healthcheck
docker run traefik:v1.7.14 healthcheck

and the binary is not in the PATH:

docker exec f1dda0094a5f ./traefik healthcheck

The documentation left out the ./ and it needs the --ping to be specified

docker exec 48d286711eae ./traefik healthcheck --ping

time="2019-09-05T11:13:31Z" level=info msg="Configuration loaded from flags."
OK: http://:8080/ping

also healthcheck ignores any attempts to disable logging, so --log=false or --log.level=ERROR still displays the message

So the final solution you would think at the moment is the following in the docker-compose.yml file.

      test: ./traefik healtcheck --ping 

However, when adding that, it terminates traefik.

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This appears to be working in the GA release using the following

  test: traefik healthcheck --ping

I have incorporated it in Trajano base Docker swarm stacks


I fully agree that the docs could be improved. The current docs (of CLI) made me interpret it as a command available on the host.

root@Ubuntu18:~# traefik healthcheck --ping
traefik: command not found

so reading this here eventually enlightened me, so I did
docker exec [container name] traefik healtcheck --ping
what results in

root@Ubuntu18:~# docker exec -it traefik traefik healthcheck --ping
INFO[0000] Configuration loaded from flags.
Bad healthcheck status: 404 Not Found

I found a discussion on this result in Strange healthcheck behaviour but I still don't get it.

I used the -t flag to make the output to look a bit prettier. See docker exec | Docker Documentation for more details on the flags.

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