How to add to HTTPS back ends?

I want to switch my back end web apps over to HTTPS using their built in self signed certificates which are in a java keystore. Can anyone suggest changes to my config files or a help article for this situation?

Just getting into this and I have Traefik v2 set up to the point where I can use Let's Encrypt for the public side and regular HTTP for the back end connections. Finding it a little hard on how to search for this change on the back end connection but this is my functioning config at the moment. I commented out letsencrypt as this test machine isn't on the public web to do the challenge.


defaultEntryPoints = ["http","https"]
		address = ":80"
		address = ":443"
		filename = "./rules.toml"

#	email = ""
#	caServer = ""
#	storage = "acme.json"
#	[certificatesResolvers.letsencrypt.acme.httpChallenge]
#		# used during the challenge
#		entryPoint = "web"

	level = "INFO"
	filePath = "C:\\Temp\\traefik_v2.4.2_windows_amd64\\traefik.log"



		entryPoints = ["web"]
		service = "bas-service"
		rule = "Host(``)"
			middlewares = ["redirect"]
		entryPoints = ["web-secure"]
		service = "bas-service"
		rule = "Host(``)"
				#certResolver = "letsencrypt"

		entryPoints = ["web"]
		service = "bas-service2"
		rule = "Host(``)"
			middlewares = ["redirect"]
		entryPoints = ["web-secure"]
		service = "bas-service2"
		rule = "Host(``)"
				#certResolver = "letsencrypt"


		scheme = "https"

			#url = "https://165.166.360.360:20007/"
			url = ""

			url = ""