How do I pass a subdomain from a router to a service

I have 2 traefik proxies one in a dmz docker swarm and one in an app docker swarm

  • dmz proxy is configured using toml files.

  • app proxy is configured using labels applied to deployed docker containers.

I added a traefik router to match [env] or [client].[env]

The router passes the request to a "traefik service" that then passes it to our app gateway

Currently works fine for the main site

[env] -> myapp.[env]

For the case of a client subdomain I have not figured out how to pass the [client] portion on in any dynamic way.

I was able to get a test case working for a single client by creating an additional service

that was defined with the [client] name

[client].[env] -> [client].myapp.[env]

How would I make it work?


  # *

  certFile = "/etc/ssl/certs/myapp-cert.crt"

  keyFile = "/etc/ssl/private/myapp-priv.key"


  # *

  certFile = "/etc/ssl/certs/env-myapp-cert.crt"

  keyFile = "/etc/ssl/private/env-myapp-priv.key"




    certFile = "/etc/ssl/certs/myapp-cert.crt"

    keyFile = "/etc/ssl/private/myapp-priv.key"



        minVersion = "VersionTLS12"

        cipherSuites = [





  # Add the router




      entryPoints = ["https"]

      service = "reverse-proxy-myapp"

      # NOTE:

      # -> https://myapp.[env]"

      # -> https://clienta.myapp.[env]"

      rule = "HostRegexp(``, `{subdomain:(.+)}`)"

      priority = 12


# Add the service


    # CSL



        passHostHeader = true


        url = "https://[env]"

    # MAI



        passHostHeader = false

        # TODO: This is where is there is a client matched by router it should be passed here.

        #       Not sure how to do that right now


        url = "https://myapp.[env]"

    # []

    # []

    #     passHostHeader = false

    #     # TODO: This is where is there is a client matched by router it should be passed here.

    #     #       Not sure how to do that right now

    #     [[]]

    #     url = "https://{{subdomin}}.myapp.[env]"

When the scenario is more complicated normally I use a third party to generate the dynamic / static configuration files as python scripts...
Happy to hear a better solution :slight_smile: