Grpc H2 with consulcatalog provider (traefik:v1.7)

I'm trying to get a basic grpc client to talk to a grpc server through traefik. When using the file provider, this just works fine. But when I move it to the consulcatalog provider, it fails with:
DEBU[2019-10-25T13:57:54Z] '500 Internal Server Error' caused by: unsupported protocol scheme "h2"
And doesn't even connect to the backend. Any ideas?

working config:

defaultEntryPoints = ["http"]

  address = ":8888"



    # Access on backend with h2c
    url = "h2c://x.x.x.x:12345"

  backend = "backend1"
  entrypoints = ["http"]
    rule = "Host:playground-grpc-service-service"

consulcatalog config:

defaultEntryPoints = ["http"]

  address = ":8888"



  prefix = "traefik-grpc"
  exposedByDefault = false

consul tags: "traefik-grpc.enable=true", "traefik-grpc.protocol=h2"


could you provide the consul catalog tags/labels?

Hey ldez, see the last line. Those are the tags I've put

Small typo "traefik-grpc.protocol=h2c"

Victory! Thx for checking!