So, I'm trying to setup traefik to reverse proxy from https to an internal server, on http, running CubeCoders AMP (control panel for gameservers).
Not the servers themselves, just to the web-based control panel, running on http.
I get the following debug info:
traefik | 2024-10-05T10:14:09Z DBG > Service selected by WRR: cbf29ce484222325
traefik | 2024-10-05T10:14:09Z DBG > 500 Internal Server Error error="unsupported protocol scheme \"\""
Error being:
500 Internal Server Error error="unsupported protocol scheme \"\""
Now, I already do something similar, to another webtool, running on http where it works perfect. So perhaps something specific is required by AMP, I just don't know what and the error message doesn't really help me.
If anyone has experience with this or know if I need to set any headers or middleware to solve that error, please share.
Ok, I get the exact same error with whoami.
I'm not using the docker integration, just setting it up as a remote url. Same issue.
I can access the host directly, on my internal network, just fine, but through Traefik I get the same http 500.
@bluepuma77 my friend, how would you setup the dynamic config to the whoami container, if it wasn't running on the same host as traefik?
So no docker discovery. And http on whoami but https webendpoint on traefik?
This is basically what I am attempting and failing to do
What do you think @bluepuma77? Anything wrong in my configs?
I cannot see any issues myself and I know I have had this working previous, on other hardware.
I am completely stuck. The whoami is probably the best example, why on earth will that not work?
What even is "protocol scheme" and why is it blank? I assume that is what the error message means.
500 Internal Server Error error="unsupported protocol scheme \"\""
Looks very much like a "" (empty) string.
This is why I tried to add custom request headers, to try to see if I could just pass some static value but no luck.
Same issue.
I started that way but wanted to try to see if it worked if I didn't have it.
So normally, I would have the protocol in there and I have it now again.
Freshly installed server, plenty of restarts.
I see it load up all the entrypoints and the routers in application log when I start.
It gets all the certificates for the hosts in the routes.
My other routes also work, it is just whoami (and AMP, my original issue) that has this problem.