ForwardAuth middleware: impossible to retrieve original request url

What did you do?

according to the documentation of ForwardAuth middleware, the middleware sets also the "Request URI | X-Forwarded-Uri" header in the request forwarded to the Auth server, among others: Traefik ForwardAuth Documentation - Traefik

What did you see instead?

however i can only see:

x-forwarded-for': , 'x-forwarded-host': 'x-forwarded-port': ' 'x-forwarded-proto': 'x-forwarded-server', 'x-real-ip': ',

being forwarded, and the auth service needs to access the request url, so how to access X-Forwarded-Uri ?

i have tried also to set trustForwardHeader: true , but no success

What version of Traefik are you using?


link to the issue: ForwardAuth middleware: impossible to retrieve original request url · Issue #9664 · traefik/traefik · GitHub

Why would you open a request for an old Traefik version? Please use latest Traefik and try again.

i am not sure what the action should be. I am using v2.8 and i see the v2.x tag. should i choose v3.x instead ?

v2.9.6 is is the latest release.

i see, so you suggest me to update to make sure that the problem might have been fixed in 2.9.6 ? i will check if there is any breaking change and then upgrade