Feb. 6, Online Meetup: Leveraging Traefik for a Highly Available Ingress Controller on Docker Enterprise with Andy Clemenko

Feb. 6, Online Meetup: Leveraging Traefik for a Highly Available Ingress Controller on Docker Enterprise with Andy Clemenko

In this session, we will talk about some of the tips and tricks for deploying Traefik in a highly available configuration, and demo scenarios which showcase these. We’ll cover ground, including the use of Swarm or Kubernetes as the orchestrator of choice.

Register today!

Principle Solutions Engineer, StackRox

Andy Clemenko has been putting out virtual and real fires for years. Andy has been a System Administrator/Engineer for over 20 years and a volunteer firefighter for over 15 years. He has enjoyed building solutions from the ground up. Building everything from bare metal to virtual machines to big data, and now containers. Lately he has been working with hundreds of customers and agencies engineering secure supply chains. And when not being a firefighter/engineer he is an avid cyclist and dad to two awesome little kids.