Failing to setup different destinations for acme-challenges

I'm failing to route acme-challenges to different endpoints depending on the host name. I have the built-in certprovider configured like this

    entryPoints = ["web"]
    rule = "PathPrefix(`/.well-known/acme-challenge/`)"
    priority = 999
    service = "acme-http"

        url = ""

Then I have an additional router configured like this:

    entryPoints = ["web"]
    rule = "Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/.well_known/acme-challenge/`)"
    priority = 1000
    service = "svc-subdomain-http"

    entryPoints = ["web"]
    rule = "Host(``)"
    priority = 1
    middlewares = ["http2https"]
    service = "svc-subdomain-http"

        url = ""

I would expect the acme-challenges for hit the svc-subdomain-http service while all other challenges go to the built-in service.

HTTPS redirection works fine. However, all acme-challenges hit the built-in service. In the logs I can only find this error message:

time="2020-10-12T00:37:00+02:00" level=debug msg="Unable to split host and port: address missing port in address. Fallback to request host." providerName=le.acme

This is the request:

time="2020-10-12T00:37:02+02:00" level=debug msg="vulcand/oxy/roundrobin/rr: completed ServeHttp on request" Request="{\"Method\":\"GET\",\"URL\":{\"Scheme\":\"\",\"Opaque\":\"\",\"User\":null,\"Host\":\"\",\"Path\":
otoMinor\":1,\"Header\":{\"Accept\":[\"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9\"],\"Accept-Encoding\":[\"gzip, deflate\"
a/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.83 Safari/537.36\"],\"X-Forwarded-Host\":[\"\"],\"X-Forwarded-Port\":[\"80\"],\"X-Forwarde

Traefik runs in Docker with network mode host. There is port forwarding from the router involved.

How can I fix this?

Found the typo... duh!

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