Failed to retrieve information of the docker client and server host error

hello world :wink:

i'm trying to follow:

      - "--providers.swarm.endpoint=tcp://host.docker.internal:2377"

yet Traefik unable to reach to host.docker.internal:23777

traefik | 2024-05-18T13:56:04Z ERR > Failed to retrieve information of the docker client and server host error="error during connect: Get "http://host.docker.internal:2377/v1.24/version\": EOF" providerName=swarm

Please advise)
Thank you!

host.docker.internal only exists when using Docker Desktop.

what host should be used for docker host?

The doc you mentioned has all the examples using the Docker socket (unix:///var/run/docker.sock). Why would you change to IP address?

Compare to simple Traefik Swarm example. Note itโ€™s old v2 config with providers.docker, which is now providers.swarm.

I copied it from:

but I confirm after changing it to default value, fixed my issue)

thank you so much!

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