Hello Everyone,
I'm having issues deploying Traefik on my VPS and looking for help.
I want to run Traefik as my reverse proxy to host multiple services. In that regards, i have first secured my vps by disabling ssh on public ip and enabling ssh only via Tailscale so i can ssh only from my tailnet. Additionally I also have ufw and only allow ports that are strictly necessary (80, 443 etc.).
Then i started to configure Traefik using docker compose. I have set Traefik to use cloudflare in my "certificatesResolvers".
When starting the container it get stuck on "Attaching to traefik".
[+] Running 1/0
✔ Container traefik Created 0.1s
Attaching to traefik
After checking logs for the Traefik container, i can see the following:
ERR error="accept tcp [::]:8080: use of closed network connection" entryPointName=traefik
ERR Error while starting server error="accept tcp [::]:8080: use of closed network connection" entryPointName=traefik
ERR error="accept tcp [::]:80: use of closed network connection" entryPointName=web
ERR Error while starting server error="accept tcp [::]:80: use of closed network connection" entryPointName=web
ERR error="accept tcp [::]:443: use of closed network connection" entryPointName=websecure
ERR Error while starting server error="accept tcp [::]:443: use of closed network connection" entryPointName=websecure
Even in this state, I could reach Traefik with my server IP. To be noted however that the certificate i got was not from let's encrypt (staging) but the build in Traefik ssl certificate.
I have tried for hours, thought it could be an issue with Tailscale as it use port 80 and 443 but i'm not sure.
Did someone had this issue?
Would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.