Error while curling svc.cluster.local

Hello, i've followed your instructions here at

[root@kubemaster maesh]# kubectl -n whoami exec whoami-client -- curl -s whoami.whoami.svc.cluster.local
command terminated with exit code 6
[root@kubemaster maesh]# kubectl get pods -n whoami
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
whoami-8cc58c56c-fwtz4        1/1     Running   0          6m40s
whoami-8cc58c56c-wzd4q        1/1     Running   0          6m40s
whoami-client                 1/1     Running   0          6m40s
whoami-tcp-7f958d57bd-476q7   1/1     Running   0          6m40s
whoami-tcp-7f958d57bd-jms7r   1/1     Running   0          6m40s

Hello @john2,

Curl error code 6 means that it could not resolve the host.

Can you please give us some more information about your kubernetes environment?
whoami.whoami.svc.cluster.local should resolve if your kubernetes DNS is configured correctly, and you have a whoami service.

[root@kubemaster maesh]# kubectl get svc -n whoami
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
whoami       ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP     3d9h
whoami-tcp   ClusterIP     <none>        8080/TCP   3d9h
[root@kubemaster maesh]# kubectl get pods -n kube-system
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-569c666dd4-6wr9x             1/1     Running   2          3d9h
coredns-569c666dd4-d9fsl             1/1     Running   2          3d9h
etcd-kubemaster                      1/1     Running   2          3d10h
kube-apiserver-kubemaster            1/1     Running   2          116m
kube-controller-manager-kubemaster   1/1     Running   2          3d10h
kube-flannel-ds-amd64-jvcb8          1/1     Running   2          3d10h
kube-flannel-ds-amd64-s2d7f          1/1     Running   2          3d10h
kube-flannel-ds-amd64-vr2j4          1/1     Running   2          3d10h
kube-proxy-7rs9l                     1/1     Running   2          3d10h
kube-proxy-bz4vd                     1/1     Running   2          3d10h
kube-proxy-kbm4z                     1/1     Running   2          3d10h
kube-scheduler-kubemaster            1/1     Running   3          3d10h
[root@kubemaster maesh]# kubectl get pods -n maesh
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-core-7b45f496fd-mg87j      0/1     Pending   0          78m
jaeger-787f575fbd-kt6bp            1/1     Running   0          78m
maesh-controller-dd4ccb4d7-mbkcf   0/1     Running   0          78m
maesh-mesh-67d7z                   1/1     Running   0          78m
maesh-mesh-lbcpr                   0/1     Running   0          78m
prometheus-core-7666b4c94-6phfl    0/2     Pending   0          78m

Hello @john2,

the maesh-controller-dd4ccb4d7-mbkcf 0/1 means that the controller is not ready, and it has not been able to successfully deploy to all maesh nodes.

Can you please get the logs for the controller?

kubectl logs -n maesh maesh-controller-dd4ccb4d7-mbkcf ?


time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="No TrafficTargets with destination in namespace: whoami"
time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="Found traffictargets for service whoami/whoami: []"
time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="Found applicable traffictargets for service whoami/whoami: []"
time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="Found grouped traffictargets for service whoami/whoami: map[]"
time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="No TrafficSplits in namespace: whoami"
time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="Found trafficsplits for service whoami/whoami: []"
time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="Deploying to pod maesh-mesh-67d7z with IP"
time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="Deploying to pod maesh-mesh-8ccd5 with IP"
time="2020-02-03T18:44:40Z" level=debug msg="Successfully deployed configuration to pod (maesh-mesh-67d7z:"
time="2020-02-03T18:45:10Z" level=debug msg="Deploying configuration to unready nodes"
time="2020-02-03T18:45:10Z" level=debug msg="Deploying to pod maesh-mesh-8ccd5 with IP"
  Normal   Scheduled  <unknown>               default-scheduler    Successfully assigned maesh/maesh-controller-dd4ccb4d7-6wjmx to kubeslave2
  Normal   Pulled     3m46s                   kubelet, kubeslave2  Container image "containous/maesh:v1.1.0-rc1" already present on machine
  Normal   Created    3m46s                   kubelet, kubeslave2  Created container maesh-prepare
  Normal   Started    3m45s                   kubelet, kubeslave2  Started container maesh-prepare
  Normal   Pulled     3m45s                   kubelet, kubeslave2  Container image "containous/maesh:v1.1.0-rc1" already present on machine
  Normal   Created    3m45s                   kubelet, kubeslave2  Created container maesh-controller
  Normal   Started    3m44s                   kubelet, kubeslave2  Started container maesh-controller
  Warning  Unhealthy  3m23s (x19 over 3m41s)  kubelet, kubeslave2  Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 500

I'm installing maesh on my desktop kubernetes cluster. That error comes from my AWS CLuster

@daniel.tomcej, hello how can i disable the checking of new version. My cluster doesnt have an internet connection

time="2020-02-04T07:08:33Z" level=info msg="Starting provider *rest.Provider {\"insecure\":true}"
time="2020-02-04T07:18:48Z" level=warning msg="Error checking new version: Get dial tcp: i/o timeout"
[root@kubemaster maesh-master]# kubectl get pods -n maesh
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-core-7b45f496fd-hv6h7       0/1     Pending   0          37m
jaeger-787f575fbd-xshnz             1/1     Running   0          37m
maesh-controller-55d8d58f78-rx6hp   0/1     Running   0          37m
maesh-mesh-k5hll                    0/1     Running   0          37m
maesh-mesh-zslzr                    1/1     Running   0          37m
prometheus-core-7666b4c94-q7jvk     0/2     Pending   0          37m

Hello @daniel.tomcej @SantoDE

[root@kubemaster petervient.cipriano]# kubectl get pods -n maesh
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-core-7b45f496fd-hv6h7       0/1     Pending   0          25h
jaeger-787f575fbd-r7fdb             1/1     Running   0          77m
maesh-controller-55d8d58f78-mvxf8   1/1     Running   0          76m
maesh-mesh-82bv9                    1/1     Running   0          91m
maesh-mesh-zslzr                    1/1     Running   0          25h
prometheus-core-7666b4c94-q7jvk     0/2     Pending   0          25h
* Could not resolve host: whoami.whoami.svc.cluster.local
* Expire in 200 ms for 1 (transfer 0x56252223e620)
* Closing connection 0
command terminated with exit code 6

Hello @john2,

Is cluster.local your cluster suffix?

If you cannot resolve service names in your cluster, you may have to work on your cluster configuration to make it work.

Maesh relies on DNS to work properly, so it if is not properly configured in k8s, maesh will not work properly.