at the moment i got traefik running in a basic configuration. To get it more secure, i want to switch my services to https.
But if i change the config i got this error:
Starting Traefik...
command traefik error: field not found, node: entryPoint
traefik.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
traefik.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Failed to start Traefik.
# Configuration sample for Traefik v2.
# Global config
checkNewVersion = true
sendAnonymousUsage = false
token = "xxx"
# Entrypoints definition
address = ":80"
address = ":443"
email = "xxx@123.de"
storage = "acme.json"
provider = "allinkl"
delayBeforeCheck = 2
entryPoint ="web"
# all_inkl_login = "user"
# all_inkl_password = "password"
resolver = ["", ""]
# Traefik logs configuration
#level = "DEBUG"
level = "ERROR"
filePath = "/var/log/traefik/traefik.log"
format = "common"
filePath = "/var/log/traefik/access.log"
format = "common"
# API and dashboard configuration
# Enable API and dashboard
# Name of the related entry point
# Default: "traefik"
# entryPoint = "traefik"
# Enabled Dashboard
# Default: true
dashboard = true
insecure = true
# Ping configuration
# Enable ping
# Name of the related entry point
# Default: "traefik"
# entryPoint = "traefik"
directory = "/etc/traefik/dynamic"
watch = true
Thanks for any idea and hints.