Having a bizarre problem where I enable swarm mode in Traefik v2.2.0 using the following command:
command: - "--providers.docker.swarmMode=true"
It causes Traefik to fail completely (every url gives a page not found error).
Also, a side problem which may be related is how I managed to get the dashboard working. The only way which seemed to work is:
- "traefik.enable=true" - "traefik.http.routers.api.rule=Host(`<site ip>`) && (PathPrefix(`/traefik`) || PathPrefix(`/api`))" - "traefik.http.routers.api.middlewares=strip-traefik" - "traefik.http.middlewares.strip-traefik.stripprefix.prefixes=/traefik"
Yet when I visit /traefik the URL that's shown is /traefik/dashboard.
I thought that the /traefik element is removed by stripprefix?
I'm using an Azure virtual machine which is only IP based, not sure if that's anything to do with it.
Thanks for any suggestions.