Traefik works with different docker microservices great.
My mosquitto container runs currently on port 1883 - no tls.
I've tried to implement no TLS but hasn't got any success - also the documentation brings me not any further
FIRST attempt:
First I added a entrypoint on traefik.yml
address: ':80'
to: websecure
scheme: https
address: ':443'
address: ':8883'
the docker-compose from mosquitto with labels
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.http.routers.node-red.rule=Host(`mqtt.mywebsite.com`)
- traefik.http.routers.node-red.tls=true
- traefik.http.routers.node-red.tls.certresolver=lets-encrypt
- traefik.http.services.node-red.loadbalancer.server.port=8883
//entry point missing?
SECOND Attempt:
I`ve added the port 8883 on traefik - but then - I cant start the mosquitto because the port is allready allocated
Do you have any suggestion?
What do you want to achieve? Usually Traefik is used as a reverse proxy for HTTP(S) protocol, it routes requests by domain name or path to matching target HTTP(S) services.
MQTT is not HTTP compatible. So you could just let the mosquitto container listen on the external port. If you still want to proxy the connection through Traefik, you need to define a TCP router and assign the entrypoint (both in the labels).
If you want Taefik to terminate (decrypt) a TLS/SSL connection (not sure if you can just wrap MQTT in TLS/SSL), make sure you have a certResolver defined in traefik.yml
for your "lets-encrypt".
myresolver: # name of resolver, can be lets-encrypt
email: your-email@example.com
storage: acme.json
tlsChallenge: {}
Make sure to use a acme.json
with full path and place it on the Docker host or in volume to keep it alive over service re-creation, LetsEncrypt has some usage limits.
Furthermore make sure you got the spacing right in your traefik.yml
and note hat the port of loadbalancer.server.port
is the internal port of your service.
If you have further issues, please provide full traefik static and dynamic config and all relevant docker-compose.yml
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