dnsChallenge provider deSEC supported in traefik 2.2?


i try to use desec as dnsChallenge provider

provider = "desec"
delayBeforeCheck = 0

but i got this error:

cannot get ACME client unrecognized DNS provider: desec" providerName=letsencrypt.acme

the acme wiki shows that desec supported,

Regards, Henry

Hi @Henry

LetsEncrypt DNSChallenge Providers are listed in the docs. https://docs.traefik.io/https/acme/#providers

Among those are some utility type providers such as External Program, HTTP request and RFC2136.

Hope this can help.

Hi cakiwi,

thanks for the hint with an external programm as provider.

I found this and it works for me :slight_smile:

Now it was possible to request a wildcard certificates for my dedyn.io domain.

Regards, Henry

Great outcome @Henry I'm glad it got you where you needed to go.

How about writing a new post up as an example for others ?

Desec has been added to lego yesterday, so desec will be supported in the next release of Traefik.