Currently traefik v2.1 serves TLS v1.0/1.1 by default. As long as I am aware the nginx controller serves >= 1.2. Is this going to change with traefik v2.2?
To my other question, the v2 stills lacks some clearness. How am I supposed to disable TLS1/1.1 globally for now?
We mainly use Ingresses and not the crd IngressRoutes. It is clear to me how this is supposed to work with IngressRoutes but not with Ingresses.
So my questions are:
- How can I set TlsOptions (k8s tlsOptions resource) for the default router which is used to serve k8s Ingresses? I would like to set some default options rather than configuring tls protocols for each ingress.
- Is this even possible globally, meaning as a default?
- If not, can I set the tls protocol at least as annotation on each ingress separately?
Checking the code it seems like it is not even possible with v1.2 ( How can I modify tls options?) but in master
it looks like one can set annotations to set tls options (