Deploy Traefik 2.0 + services using TERRAFORM onto Docker Swarm

Hi guys,

I am deploying Traefik + different services in Docker Swarm using terraform, dealing with a lot of challenges like:

  • Nobody has tried to do something before
  • Services like Jenkins with secrets, configs, networks, templates , etc.
  • Traefik v.2.0.7 minimal
  • Everything is dockerised :slight_smile:
  • TLS authentication for Docker Swarm's
  • TLS for FQDN's with local certificates
  • Replace all our nginx for traefik (of course)

Most of the problems are:

Now the good news:

  • Most problems are resolved
  • Really cool deploying any services with traefik and terraform
  • Using http terraform for backend
  • Deploying 2 Jenkins services + traefik with TLS in one
  • Troubleshouting of traefik labels within the services
  • Using terraform modules for jenkins and traefik.

If someone is working in something similar just let me know, beacuse traefik labels and dynamic file are for traefik 2.0.7 is a real pain (but its worth it)


I am going to close this topic

A quick update a more than year later

  1. Deployed traefik services via terraform in 10 swarms with TLS

  2. Use traefik for management internal certificates (more than 30 FQDN's)

  3. Using traefik 2.3 with no problems till now

  4. Deployed jenkins, gocd services and python / javascript apps via terraform. Labels are just amazing

  5. Everything is still up and running with no issues :slight_smile:

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