Hey @ldez
I'm trying to set custom response headers using the file provider, but the headers are not being applied to the responses.
Dynamic file configuration
rule = "Host(`traefik.sensehawk.com`) && (PathPrefix(`/api`) || PathPrefix(`/dashboard`))"
service = "api@internal"
middlewares = ["auth"]
users = [
address = ""
authResponseHeaders = ["x-user-data", "authorization"]
accessControlAllowMethods = ["OPTIONS", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"]
accessControlAllowHeaders = ["Authorization", "Content-Type", "X-Vault-Password", "User-Uid", "User-Email", "User-Organization", "User-Labels", "User-Role", "User-Internal", "User-Is_Owner", "User-Is_Manager", "Range", "Content-Range"]
accessControlExposeHeaders = ["X-Total-Count", "X-Result-Count", "X-Page-Count"]
accessControlAllowOriginList = ["*"]
addVaryHeader = true
X-Custom = "some-value"
Also, in the dashboard, I see the middleware as below.
Please help!