im running custom error pages on my traefik v1 services.
So i wanted to implement that also with traefik v2 but i don't get it working.
Does someone has an example using and defining a custom error page service with Version 2 ?
im running custom error pages on my traefik v1 services.
So i wanted to implement that also with traefik v2 but i don't get it working.
Does someone has an example using and defining a custom error page service with Version 2 ?
Hi @lachnerd, can you share the configurations with us so we can help you?
but i got it working now (don't know the reason maybe a typo or something else) but maybe it helps others.
I have a service servingh the error pages defined in rancher with following labels:
# errorhandler@rancher
traefik.http.services.errorhandler.loadbalancer.server.port: '80'
traefik.enable: 'true'
#only for testing
traefik.http.routers.errorhandler.rule: Host(`error.domain.com`)
io.rancher.container.pull_image: always
traefik.http.routers.nginx.entrypoints: web
In a file provided dynamic_conf.toml i defined the middleware
# errortest@file
status = ["400-404","405","500","502-504"]
service = "errorhandler@rancher"
query = "/{status}.html"
the app that uses custom error pages simply uses the middleware with another label:
# simpleapp@rancher
traefik.http.routers.simpleapp.middlewares: errortest@file